Sisters of Battle, Faith & Fury, and WizK!ds Wave 10

Sisters of Battle bring the light of the Emperor to Drawbridge Games! The Sisters of Battle: Army Set, Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury, Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer, and two new Start Collecting boxsets are here! But that’s only the beginning of the miniature madness! WizK!ds delivers with Wave 10 of their Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures and Pathfinder Deep Cuts ranges.

New 11/29/19

  1. Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer
  2. Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures Wave 10
  3. Pathfinder Deep Cuts Wave 10
  4. Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury
  5. Sisters of Battle: Army Set
  6. Start Collecting: Chaos Space Marines
  7. Start Collecting: Vanguard Space Marines

Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!