A Song of Ice and Fire, Creature Forge, Grim/Dark Monopoly, Kick-Ass, Kids on Bikes, and Restocks!

Check out what’s new on the shelf at Drawbridge Games! Battle for the Iron Throne in A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniature Game! The two-player starter set from Cool Mini or Not features 103 miniatures divided between House Stark and House Lannister. But that’s not the only game in from CMON! Kick-Ass is a cooperative board game featuring the characters from Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s legendary comic series. And there’s more! Creature Forge: Overwhelming Swarm offers collectable booster packs of pre-painted miniatures for all your Magic: The Gathering token creature needs! Kids on Bikes is a new RPG that let’s you play as kids exploring dark mysteries reminiscent of the likes of Monster Squad, The Goonies, and of course more recently Stranger Things. Monopoly gets the grim/dark treatment with Monopoly: Warhammer 40,000… never thought I’d be writing that. We’ve also got restocks of Reaper Bones, and the WizK!ds Pathfinder unpainted fantasy miniatures. This includes the long awaited return of the Adventurer’s Campsite, Silver Dragon, and Beholder!

New 10/4/18

  1. A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniature Game Starter Set
  2. Creature Forge: Overwhelming Swarm
  3. Kick-Ass: The Board Game
  4. Kids on Bikes
  5. Monopoly: Warhammer 40,000

Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!