3D6 Supers!, Lucidity, Idoneth Deepkin Reinforcements, and Pokémon!

Get ready for a super week of releases at Drawbridge Games! We’ll kick things of with a 2nd Edition of local author Scott R. Pyle’s 3D6 Supers! Build any superhero or villain you can imagine with this new edition featuring rules tweaks that encourage faster play with a emphasis on fun. Escape the creatures of the Dream Realm in Lucidity, a dice driven game about twisted nightmares. Not satisfied with ruling the waves, the Idoneth Deepkin conquer the lands of the Mortal Realms with might of the Akhelian Guard and the apex predator known as the Akhelian Allopex! Necrozma’s power is unleashed, taking its ultimate form as Ultra Necrozma-GX! You can wield that power and more with Pokémon: Son & Moon Forbidden Light.

New 5/19/18

  1. 3D6 Supers! 2nd Edition
  2. Lucidity
  3. Idoneth Deepkin – Akhelian Allopex, Akhelian Guard
  4. Pokémon: Son & Moon Forbidden Light

Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!