Portents Most Malign!

Dread times have arrived in the Mortal Realms! Nagash and his cadaverous legions swarm from Nagashizzar in a bid to subsume all to the kingdom of death. Supernatural portents bring a new era of war, and four harbingers arise to lead the Grand Alliances ton victory. Grab everything you need to be prepared for the Malign Portents global event (beginning 2/17/18) today at Drawbridge Games!

New 2/10/18

  1. Legions of Nagash – Battletome and Warscroll Cards
  2. Malign Portents – Book, Cards, Combat Tool, and Dice
  3. Harbingers – Darkoath Warqueen, Fungoid Cave-Shaman, Lord-Ordinator, and Knight of Shrouds

Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!