Happy Tabletop Day 2016 and Orruks Invade Drawbridge Games!

Orruks storm the castle at Drawbridge Games! Age of Sigmar’s brutish masters of destruction crash the Realm Gates in a bid to conquer all the mortal realms!

New 4/30/16

  1. Grand Alliance: Destruction
  2. Orruk: Brutes
  3. Orruk: Gore-Gruntas
  4. Orruk: Maw-Krusha
  5. Orruk: Megaboss


Restocks 4/30/16

  1. Codex Supplement: Black Legion
  2. Codex Supplement: Crimson Slaughter


Happy Tabletop Day! We’ve got tons of games and more on sale!

  1. Green Sticker: 30% Off
  2. Yellow Sticker: 40% Off
  3. Blue Sticker: 50% Off


Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!